구분 | 시험명 | 시행국가 | 접수기간 | 시험시작일 | 합격자 발표일 |
CBT | The 9th recruitment of the point system in Philippines | 필리핀 | 2025-02-03 ~ 2025-02-10 | 2025-03-03 ~ .. | 2025-04-04 |
CBT | The 12th recruitment of the Point system in Kyrgyzstan(Bishkek) | 키르기스스탄 | 2025-01-20 ~ 2025-01-23 | 2025-02-21 ~ .. | 2025-03-25 |
CBT | Virtual Test(Point System) in Cambodia_2025 | 캄보디아 | 2025-01-13 ~ 2025-01-13 | 2025-01-14 ~ .. | 2025-01-14 |
CBT | The 10th recruitment of the point system in Cambodia(5th) | 캄보디아 | 2024-12-19 ~ 2024-12-23 | 미확정 | 미확정 |
CBT | The 12th recruitment of the Point system in Kyrgyzstan(Osh) | 키르기스스탄 | 2025-01-20 ~ 2025-01-23 | 2025-02-21 ~ .. | 2025-03-25 |
CBT | The 10th recruitment of the point system in Cambodia | 캄보디아 | 2024-12-19 ~ 2024-12-23 | 미확정 | 미확정 |
CBT | The 12th recruitment of the point system in Bangladesh | 방글라데시 | 미확정 | 미확정 | 미확정 |
CBT | The 7th recruitment of the point system in Myanmar(3rd_Manufacturing) | 미얀마 | 2024-03-04 ~ 2024-04-21 | 2025-02-10 ~ .. | 2025-05-30 |