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구분 시험명 시행국가 접수기간 시험시작일 합격자 발표일
CBT The 7th recruitment of the point system in East Timor [Agriculutre and Livestocks] 동티모르 2024-03-11 ~ 2024-03-28 2024-05-20 ~ .. 2024-11-09
CBT The 7th recruitment of the point system in East Timor [Fishery] 동티모르 2024-03-11 ~ 2024-03-28 2024-05-20 ~ .. 2024-11-09
CBT The 31th recruitment of the point system in Laos 라오스 2024-05-06 ~ 2024-05-10 미확정 미확정
CBT The 12th recruitment of the point system in Bangladesh 방글라데시 2024-04-17 ~ 2024-04-30 미확정 미확정
CBT The 7th recruitment of the point system in Myanmar(1st_Ser1, 2) 미얀마 미확정 미확정 미확정
CBT The 7th recruitment of the point system in Myanmar(3rd_Manufacturing) 미얀마 2024-03-04 ~ 2024-04-21 2024-11-04 ~ .. 2025-04-02
CBT The 7th recruitment of the point system in Myanmar(2nd_Manufacturing) 미얀마 미확정 2024-07-01 ~ .. 2024-10-22
CBT The 8th recruitment of the point system in Mongolia(1st half_240406) 몽골 2024-02-19 ~ 2024-02-21 2024-04-06 ~ .. 2024-05-07

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